Orthodontist in Corfu

1. What is the appropriate age for the first examination by the orthodontist?

It is incorrect to wait for the child to lose all baby teeth before going to an orthodontist because, in some cases, there are clear advantages in correcting orthodontic problems at a younger age. Ideally, the first visit to the orthodontist should be made between the ages of 6-7 years. Preventive and interceptive measures applied at an early age can prevent some problems from getting worse or even eliminate the need for orthodontic treatment at a later age. Problems that are not corrected early can be more difficult to deal with later. Only the orthodontist can determine the appropriate time to start treatment.

2. At what ages is orthodontics addressed?

Orthodontics is not just for children, as many people think. The orthodontic patient can be of any age. Of course, there are some differences in the treatment plan because age plays a role. In adult patients, teeth usually move more slowly than in children, and treatment may take longer. In adults, the growth of the face and jaws can no longer be affected by treatment; therefore, a much more complex intervention may be required.However, excellent cooperation from adult patients often balances any challenges.

3. Why should crooked teeth be straightened?

Straight teeth are easier to clean and thus healthier, which means they will stay in the mouth longer. If bridges or fillings need to be made at an older age, they are easier to make them on straight rather than crooked teeth. Healthy teeth facilitate proper chewing and nutrition. Beautiful teeth give us satisfaction and confidence.

4. What causes crooked teeth?

Genetics and environmental factorsare responsible for tooth misalignment. For example, orthodontic problems that result from the coexistence of large teeth in a small jaw are due to genetic factors. Environmental factors that affect teeth after birthincludehabits such as finger sucking, premature loss of baby teeth and mouth breathing.

5. How teeth are straightened?

Tooth movement is achieved by the application oflight forces applied by the use of wires. Constant application of forces in the right direction moves the teeth to the desired position.

6. Does orthodontic treatment hurt?

The placement of orthodontic appliances is done without local anesthesia and is not painful at all. The patient feels slight discomfortafter a few hours, especially during chewing. This discomfort lasts 3-4 days and then gradually goes away.

7. Does orthodontics affect any patient activities?

Orthodontics does not exclude sports or other activities. In some sports, where there is physical contact among children (e.g.football, basketball, etc.), protective “mouth guards” can be used. In some cases, speech may be affected for 2-3 days.

8. How long does orthodontic treatment last?

The duration of treatment varies from a few months to a few years,depending on the case. A reasonable period of time is from 18–36 months. Factors that affect treatment time are age, jaw growth, patient cooperation, treatment plan and case severity.

9. How often should the patient visit the orthodontist?

At the start of treatment, the patient should visit the orthodontist 2-3 times in a short time, then on average, once a month.

10. How much will the treatment cost?

The cost is determined based on the severity of the problem and the estimatedtime of treatment. Poor patient co-operation, which results in delayed treatment, as well as poor care of the appliance can increase the duration and cost of treatment.

11. Will the orthodontic result be permanent?

In the vast majority of cases, permanent, significant improvement is achieved. The use of orthodontic retention significantly reduces post treatment changes and maintains the positions of the teeth after treatment.The teeth, however, do not cease to be members of the human body and are also subject to some changes over time.

12. How is the orthodontist different from the dental surgeon?

The orthodontist, after obtaining the degree of dental surgeon, is obliged to complete three or more years of postgraduate studies in orthodontics. With the special knowledge and training he or she acquires, he or she can deal responsibly and effectively with the complexity of all orthodontic cases. In Greece, it is not forbidden for non-specialized dentists to perform orthodontic work, but they do not have the necessary training and experience to properly treat the cases.


Monday & Wednesday09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday & Thursday09:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00

Friday9:00 - 14:00
(Selected Fridays)16:00 - 20:00


Make an appointment to discuss your concerns in detail and begin the individualized treatment that meets your needs. We will be very happy to advise and guide you.

CONTACT+30 26610 35087